发布时间:2024-01-09   作者:   浏览次数:



魏潇,19956月出生,博士毕业于华东理工大学,拟聘单位为低碳能源与动力工程学院,拟入力学博士后流动站,合作导师刘方教授。博士期间学术成果摘要如下:以第一作者身份发表SCI高水平学术论文7篇,其中JCR Q1论文6篇,Q2论文1篇;申请国家发明专利4项;参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目研究。博士阶段主要研究方向为有机固废的热化学处置、预处理提高热解性能、固废基活性炭的制备与调控、活性炭的吸附等研究。基于有机固废的理化性质,探讨烘焙、水热等预处理方式对热解行为及产物特性的影响;在了解有机固废的热解产物性质的基础上,采用不同的工艺制备得到了高性能活性炭,并用于VOCs和废水的治理,研究结果对有机固废的减量化、无害化处置与资源化利用具有重要意义,对实现活性炭微结构和化学性能的调控和VOCs的有效治理提供了较好的理论支撑。

Misbah Khan was born in April 1989 and has completed her Ph.D. from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. The proposed employer is the School of Low Carbon Energy and Power Engineering. She plans to join the post-doctoral research station of control science and engineering. Her co-supervisor is Professor Chen Ning. The academic achievements during the doctoral period are as follows: as the first author, she has published 4 high-level scientific papers in SCI, including 3 JCR Q1 papers and 1 Q2 paper. During the doctoral phase, the main research interests are, the new pure refrigerants R1336mzz(Z) used as a replacement of R245fa belonging to HFOs is considered, and thermophysical properties during the condensation process were calculated using the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations under a wide range of temperature and pressures. The homogeneous condensation time, density and isobaric heat capacity of new HFOs refrigerants R450A, R513A and R515A were also investigated. The new dimensions of research were added by mixing two refrigerants (R1234ze(E)+R134a) with increasing and decreasing sequence of mass ratios. Analyzed numerous blends by investigating their physical properties. By calculating the effects of lubricant oil mixing (PEC4) on the properties of R450A refrigerants, she was able to analyze the condensation time and thermophysical properties of R450A + PEC4 through MD simulations. In these calculations, a new force field (COMPASS III) was used to increase the accuracy of simulation results. The selection of the materials is very important in making the tubes of the heat exchanger, which significantly influences the performance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Keeping these significances in mind, the effects of solid surfaces made by different materials on condensation time, density distribution, velocity distribution, energy distribution and temperature variations during the condensation process of R450A were investigated. Experiments were performed to calculate the heat transfer coefficients, friction pressure drops, and flow condensation rate of the new refrigerant (R450A) at different mass flux, temperatures and density values in a smooth round tube of copper with 2.5 mm diameter. This knowledge is instrumental in developing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly refrigeration technologies, contributing significantly to advancements in the field of thermal sciences and sustainable engineering practices.





